Комаров Артём о химической флюсовой резке (eng)
Комаров Артём о химической флюсовой резке (eng)

Комаров Артём о химической флюсовой резке (eng)

Artem Komarov noted that submerged arc cutting is an oxygen cutting process where the cutting or removal of metals is achieved by using a chemical flux to produce the cut. Because the chemical flux is mixed with oxygen in this process, it is also called flux-injected cutting.

Welding CO2, Komarov Artem

Using chemical flux cutting

Chemical submerged arc cutting is used to prevent the interaction of refractory oxides formed during the cutting of stainless and other oxidation-resistant alloys. This is achieved through the use of chemical streams. Submerged arc cutting is mainly used for cutting stainless steel materials.

Operating principle

Passing through the flux supply unit, the cutting oxygen carries the flux to the torch in the form of an oxygen mixture and the flux passes through the oxygen port of the torch tip.

Fluxes are prepared to interact with oxides of chromium and nickel, to build combinations with a melting point near iron oxides. In order, the flux increases the fluidity of the oxide refractory so that they fly out of the iron onto the kerf and can oxidize more easily.

The equipment needed to cut flux is like that used to cut powder.


Stainless steel can be cut without torch vibration and at about the speed at which

carbon steel of the same thickness is cut by oxyacetylene cutting.

Since the chemical flux is mixed with oxygen in this process, it is also called flux injection cutting, emphasized Komarov Artem.
